Monday, August 29, 2011

Pregnancy Update- I have been bad about this! Better late than never =)

How Far Along: 35 weeks
Size of Baby
: Approximately 5 1/4 pounds
Total Weight Gain/Loss
: At last week's doctor's appointment, the total was 25 pounds! Hope I don't gain much more!
Maternity Clothes: I wear/combine a lot of the same things. Since I am working from home I get to be super comfy all day!!! Really not too bad but I can't wait to get back into my old clothes!
: I firmly believe that my son is the most active baby in the womb, ever. He moves for about 10 minutes a few times every hour or so and I can SEE an elbow, a hand, a foot, a knee through my skin. He also gets the hiccups 2 times a day, on average. There is nothing I love more though. I feel like I can really connect with him and I know it means he is getting stronger and closer to being here!
: I have been pretty darn lucky in my 3rd trimester. I sometimes have a burning/numbing pain above my abdomen but it goes away pretty quick. And other than a terrible nights sleep/getting up every hour for the bathroom, I have had the best pregnancy and the best friends, family and husband to make me feel good about myself!
What I Miss: I officially am going a little nuts without a glass of wine here and there... but so worth it. I also hate getting so tired from the smallest activity, and I miss being the size I was before (when I complained I was fat!)
Girl or Boy
: BOY!
Belly button In or Out
: Neither! Very flat and strange...
Stretch Marks
: Not yet.... fingers crossed!
: Ice, water and strawberry shortcake!!!!!!! My fabulous husband made that dream a reality last week and I am just waiting for the next craving to hit to make him feel important!
Best Moment This Week
: My mom totally and completely SURPRISED me with a 3 day visit!!!!!!!! We got SO MUCH DONE and had a blast (we always do!!!) And... aside from the changing table pad, his nursery is completely done! And in my opinion, darling =) What a great feeling!!!!!
***In 2 weeks I will officially be "full term" and so we are getting everything ready between now and then. Nomatter if he is early, on time or a week late, every spare second I have is occupied with thoughts of him and I just cannot wait to hold him!

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