Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Our ray of sunshine... Ryan Daniel =)

Well.... almost 6 weeks later and I am finally getting around to posting the most important post of ALL... the reason for this blog: the birth of our little angel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hard to believe he has already outgrown his little newborn onesies =) Here is how it all happened...

At 2:40am on September 28th, my water broke while I was sleeping. Everyone said... when it happens you'll KNOW and I now know that to be true!!! I was surprisingly very calm- I called my mom ALMOST immediately (OF COURSE), texted my sisters & best friends & took my time showering/making sure we had everything ready! Doug called his mom & then the hospital. The Dr. on call said we needed to come in as soon as possible and so... we checked in at 4:30 am =) 
They admitted us into room #11 which, is our lucky number, and so I knew everything was going to be perfect!! We weren't surprised that I was barely dilated because we learned that at my appointment the day before. At 7:30am they induced me and I lasted until 12:30pm before I got my epidural. From then on out... it was smooth sailing! Our darling nurse Lily took EXCELLENT care of us!
I am so thankful to my wonderful mother-in-law, Jeri, for being there for pretty much the ENTIRE day. She made the wait for my mom to get there so much more bearable and of course, it wouldn't have been the same without her! Thanks Jeri, we love you!
My mom arrived shortly after I received my epidural and it was a very happy moment!!!!! She has been the biggest support throughout my whole pregnancy, especially when I was on the road for work and I am so lucky she was able to hop in her car and be there for us! I love you SO much mom. If I'm 1/2 the mother to Ryan that you are to me... he will be SUPER lucky! 
And so then... we waited. My mom and Jeri went home for us to grab a few DVD's and some lunch... but came back with the BEST SURPRISE OF ALL!!!!!!!!!!! My sister Shannon dropped EVERYTHING to be there for me and as a teacher and mom of 2 kids... I know it wasn't easy. Shannon, you are my role model and my very best friend. God only knows what I would do without you. Also... thanks for the sign! 2x
We had one more special visitor before things really got going. Colleen & I have been friends forever. She introduced me to Doug never imagining we would one day be married and name our first born after her!! (And Kelly O'Ryan ;) Col... there are really no words to express how much your friendship means to me. You ARE my family here in St. Louis and I love you more than words can say. Ryan loves you SO much.... it runs in the family. xxoxoxo thanks for being there for me ALWAYS.
Hours later, and after watching the Cards beat Houston while Atlanta lost to the Phillies (clinching the wild card!), we were ready to start pushing. It took 33 minutes for us to meet our baby boy... and the feelings that I (we) felt cannot be described. Luckily and unknown to me... one of the nurses grabbed our camera and shot the ENTIRE birth. I wasn't sure how I felt about that until I saw the pictures. I will cherish them forever. Here are a few of my faves!

Ryan Daniel Stine - 9.29.11 - 12:33am - 8lbs, 2oz, 20 inches long

And that is our story. We have never known love like this before and we could not be happier. We were so blessed with a wonderful pregnancy, easy delivery and... a perfect baby who we could not love more. He has brought so much happiness and joy to our lives and we could not imagine life without him now!!!!

Grandpa for the first time!!!!!!
Uncle for the first time!!!!!
Pop Pop for the 6th time.... but by his reaction, it might as well have been his 1st ;)
p.s. to my AMAZING and wonderful husband.... I love you more now than before. Thank you for giving me the greatest gift of my life. I can't imagine taking this journey with anyone but YOU. You are already the best dad in the world. xoxox

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Finishing Touches =)

Ryan's room is finally completely ready!! Thanks to Mom Mom & Pop Pop O =) Here is the finishing touch. Now all we need is our little pumpkin!! Can't wait!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

37 weeks- could be any day!

The past 2 weekends have been so much fun!! 2 weekends ago Doug's best friend's wives and girflriends threw us a Couple's shower... and shower us they did!!! We went home with our car seat (from Uncle Jim) our stroller, our baby monitor (group gifts!) and a dozen other DARLING presents. We are so lucky to have such wonderful friends & are officially ready for baby Ryan to arrive!

Then this past weekend my mom and Shannon came in to town leading up to our last "before baby" shower hosted by Jeri's (my mother-in-law) dearest friend, Dottie. We did not get group pictures at the last 2 showers (I guess when Lauren isn't on hand... it doesn't get done!) but I have wonderful memories from both weekends. Jeri's dearest friends were all there and they really finished off all of our wants and needs with the cutest most clever gifts!

Here is a shot of me at Dottie's shower (37 weeks). At today's Dr. visit we were told that my cervix is very thin and Ryan's head is very low! We were also told we would probably get to meet this little guy before my due date- any time really! Here's to hoping for a September baby!!! =)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Family Matters!

Ryan's room is NEARLY completely complete!!! Yesterday I went through all of our pictures and searched facebook/had a few sent from my mother-in-law... and tonight, we (Ok, Doug...) hung them! We are almost ready for you little buddy!

We have... Ryan's cousins: Nick, Jake, Alli, Connor and Danny - His Mom Mom and Pop Pop O - An O'Malia family shot and a Stine family shot - Grandpa and Grandma Stine and then his aunts and uncles!: Uncle Richie, Aunt Janet, Uncle David, Aunt Shanny and Uncle Jim! Hoping to teach him early on that family is one of God's greatest blessings =)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Pregnancy Update- I have been bad about this! Better late than never =)

How Far Along: 35 weeks
Size of Baby
: Approximately 5 1/4 pounds
Total Weight Gain/Loss
: At last week's doctor's appointment, the total was 25 pounds! Hope I don't gain much more!
Maternity Clothes: I wear/combine a lot of the same things. Since I am working from home I get to be super comfy all day!!! Really not too bad but I can't wait to get back into my old clothes!
: I firmly believe that my son is the most active baby in the womb, ever. He moves for about 10 minutes a few times every hour or so and I can SEE an elbow, a hand, a foot, a knee through my skin. He also gets the hiccups 2 times a day, on average. There is nothing I love more though. I feel like I can really connect with him and I know it means he is getting stronger and closer to being here!
: I have been pretty darn lucky in my 3rd trimester. I sometimes have a burning/numbing pain above my abdomen but it goes away pretty quick. And other than a terrible nights sleep/getting up every hour for the bathroom, I have had the best pregnancy and the best friends, family and husband to make me feel good about myself!
What I Miss: I officially am going a little nuts without a glass of wine here and there... but so worth it. I also hate getting so tired from the smallest activity, and I miss being the size I was before (when I complained I was fat!)
Girl or Boy
: BOY!
Belly button In or Out
: Neither! Very flat and strange...
Stretch Marks
: Not yet.... fingers crossed!
: Ice, water and strawberry shortcake!!!!!!! My fabulous husband made that dream a reality last week and I am just waiting for the next craving to hit to make him feel important!
Best Moment This Week
: My mom totally and completely SURPRISED me with a 3 day visit!!!!!!!! We got SO MUCH DONE and had a blast (we always do!!!) And... aside from the changing table pad, his nursery is completely done! And in my opinion, darling =) What a great feeling!!!!!
***In 2 weeks I will officially be "full term" and so we are getting everything ready between now and then. Nomatter if he is early, on time or a week late, every spare second I have is occupied with thoughts of him and I just cannot wait to hold him!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Making ROOM for Ryan!!!

 Well... we are nearly ready for Ryan's arrival!!! For our 2 year wedding anniversary (which was "cotton") we bought our curtains (you only see 1 window in these shots. I am waiting for the other corner to be done to post!) and we are so happy with the red! And then just today we got the most comfortable La-Z-boy rockin recliner (!!!!!!!!!!!) which is a gift from Doug's parents, Howard and Jeri! We are so grateful and I am already thinking of excuses to camp out in here! Our "theme" is to tie Indiana, Missouri, the Colts and the Cardinals into his room so there are no questions about where he came from =) 6 weeks to go!!!

Baby Shower Shots!

At my first 2 showers I was so lucky to have my life long friend, Lauren Weghorst, take some special pictures of my mom, sisters, dad, niece and close friends. I am so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends =) Thank you, Libby!

 My beautiful mom & sisters =)
O'Malia girls!
 Wouldn't be complete without our PRINCESS!
 WE can't believe I'm having a baby. I love you!
Shower #2 hosted by my sisters
Friends since kindergarten...
 2 of my favorite CHS girls!!! I love you KB & Anna!
 Al & Becca made the trip in... can't thank you enough!!! LOVE YOU!

 Daddy surprised us with a stop by! (& he gave Ryan his first Muskie onesie!)
  Daddy and his little girl
Best sisters!
my belly shot =)
Thank you LAUREN for your talent, love & these beautiful memories. I will cherish them forever.

Monday, August 22, 2011

little things. big love.

In my 27 years of life, I have already learned the most important lessons from my favorite people and role models. Lesson #1: Just be nice to everyone. Sweet & simple. (Thanks, daddy. I may not always be perfect but I can still hear the urgency in your voice when you first told me this and in all of my thoughts and actions, I think of you). Lesson #2: It's the little things in life that mean the most. (Thanks, mom. Your endless generosity, thoughtfulness and the way you show your love for us and everybody that you know has taught me this). Lesson #3: All you need is love. (thanks, Doug. I love you more than words can say. Loving you has made me a stronger, better person. You are my very best friend). And so: "little things. big love" it is! My life is about to change in a big way and I will take the best of what I've learned from family and my dearest friends to help me see what means the most more clearly.

One of my favorite quotes of all times by Mother Theresa tells us to "Do small things with great love." One of my favorite artists, Kenny Chesney, sings inspirational lyrics about "The Simple Things in Life." & "The Good Stuff". And The Zac Brown Band tells us "Aint it funny how it's the little things in life, that mean the most." I decided to start another blog as I embark upon the last 6 weeks leading up to the due date of our first baby as a way of capturing the memories I am told will just fly by. Also, being away from my family in Indianapolis helps persuade me to stay on top of this. I hate the thought that they will not be able to watch my baby grow every single day and so... I guess this is the next best thing =) So mom, dad, Shan, Jan, Doyles, O'Malias & friends... this is for you!!!


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