Friday, July 27, 2012

Somebody call 911!!!!!!!

St. Louis. Is. HOT. I know it's hot everywhere and I get it that everyone is miserable this summer. But I firmly BELIEVE that St. Louis, Missouri exceeds all other levels of hotness in this great country!

THAT being said, we had our first real family pictures taken last Tuesday in 105 degree weather. Our sweet photographer Lissy { } still made it super fun and bearable!!!! I am so lucky that Lissy's sweet mom, Mary, purchased several prints from me a few months ago. During the communication portion (imagine that!) we got to know each other and I became quite fond of Mary and inquired about her extra large family! Through our email "chat" I learned that ONE of her daughters was a photographer in STL AND, coincidentally, had just taken a good friend of mines pics! It just worked out perfectly. Small world indeed!

Wanted to share a few of her sneak peaks. Not too fond of my hair but what's a girl to do! Circumstantial :) Ryan was a gem though and we had lots of fun!!!!! THANK YOU, LISSY!!!!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The last few months of my life have been (to say the LEAST) a WHIRLWIND. Some days I didn't know how I was going to make it work... but with the help of my wonderful husband, my family & 2 new FAB babysitters, it has all fallen into place :)

With over 1100 sales in my Etsy shop since MAY (almost 1400 total!) & being a full time mommy... I feel like I have been lacking in other important departments in my life. But as of 3 weeks ago my sister Shannon has joined me and is helping me immensely!!! SO excited to have more time with our Teddy Bear, family & FUN EVENTS coming up!!! (Weddings, the lake, a bachelorette, our anniversary & celebrating Colleen's wedding!)

Meanwhile, Ryan has been growing up SO fast. He is a wonderfully happy, smiley & energetic baby- all 9 months of him!!!!!! Doug and I feel so blessed to have him in our life. (WE COULDN'T LOVE YOU MORE, SHIVY!)

Just wanted to do a quick post and thank everyone for their love and support. I cannot believe how lucky and blessed we are!


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