Wednesday, February 29, 2012

5 months... what?!!!?!?

How can my little bitty angel already be FIVE MONTHS OLD?!?!?!?! I got out a new toy from mom mom o today and he seemed pretty interested (hence the expression on his face! :) I just love him more and more every single day!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Team Project

My sister Janet called me this weekend and asked if I would be willing to help with her son's (my oldest nephew) team basketball project. Each player wrote something special about one another and she asked me to design the poster. I was so excited! Here is what I came up with. What a neat idea for a sports/team gift! They are being printed as I type- 11x14 - and the boys will recieve them at their banquet on Saturday :) So proud of my nephew, Nicholas!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Graduation Inspiration!

So... I am having SO much fun with my etsy shop. I have shipped to 18 different states and have already had 2 repeat customers. I just LOVE it! Ok... reason for THIS post... my 10 year high school reunion is this coming May and I have been reminiscing. Then I was thinking about what I could do for a fun unique graduation present and then it hit me. I hope you enjoy and pass it along to anyone you think would like! I can personalize for ANY school as long as I have the information! High School Graduation Present!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Counting my blessings

I am feeling so incredibly blessed today. I woke up this morning from a fun weekend with college friends and my family to a smiley, happy baby and a husband who remembered to bring the stroller inside (it really is the little things). As I was driving to grab my daily DC from McD's... I heard one of my favorite songs and it dawned on me as I was driving with my left hand and holding Ryan's hand in the back seat with my right, just how incredibly blessed I am. I AM going to miss these moments. Nomatter how hard it might get. Nomatter how much I miss my family. Nomatter what. These are the best days of my life. I thought the exact same thing right after college, and again when I met Doug, and again when we got married. But I will always look back on this time and smile. Everyone told me that having a baby would change everything and it has. But only for the better. Only for the BEST :)

Ryan is taking a little nap right now and I just can't help but look around and count my blessings. I am so thankful to God and to all of those in my life who have gotten me where I am today. xoxo
See my print on etsy:CoCo Stine Designs - You're Gonna Miss This

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Friday, February 3, 2012

Feeling inspired...

I am feeling so happy and inspired today. I have receieved a few texts and an email today of encouragement that really put a smile on my face! It feels so good to be doing something that I love and have always wanted to do!! I was inspired by Pinterest to create this for my sister and her husband (as a gift for being Ryan's God Parents) and listed it in my etsy shop, too. These are dates that are important to them: Shannon's birthday, David's birthday, they date they got engaged, married and the birth dates of Connor & Danny! A special thanks to Meg Saak for the tagline! I'll keep you posted whether or not they like it and may suggest it as a gift you give in the near future! I know I would LOVE it!


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